We are looking forward to welcoming you into Year 5 in September.
Transition Powerpoint
Please find below a PowerPoint about your new year group and class.
Class 14
Hi everyone, I am Miss Wildridge, you might remember me from when I was a teacher in Year 3. I am very much looking forward to teaching you all in Year 5. My passion is Computing especially programming and robotics. At home I have lots of adventures with my little dog called Bella or ‘Boo Boo’ for short which I am looking forward to sharing with you. I can’t wait to see you all in September, when we can begin our fun – filled learning journey together.

Class 15

Hello everyone, I’m Mrs McKibbin. I am looking forward to teaching you all in Year 5 and having the best year ever, next year. As some of you know, I enjoy teaching art: I love creating and making a mess in the classroom.
Class 16
I am Miss Collins and I cannot wait to teach you in Year 5 and Year 6. Learning languages is a passion of mine and I love playing sport and keeping fit and healthy: running and football are my favourite! I enjoy going on adventures and look forward to going on lots of learning adventures with you all next year. Problem solving, collaborating, investigating – we will have so many opportunities to explore topics, develop our understanding and have lots of fun.
You are going to have a fantastic time!

Teaching Assistants
I’m sure you all know me by now, but I had such a good time with you all in Year 4, I’m joining you all on your journey to Year 5! I cannot wait to work with you all again, I have absolutely loved this year and I’m excited to see you grow and flourish.
My favourite subject is English and I especially love creating exciting pieces of writing. You will normally find me with a book in my hand as I love reading! Out of school I really enjoy walking and spending time with my family, I love the beach and the countryside.
I hope you are all as excited as me to start our new adventure in Year 5. See you there after a brilliant Summer!