We are looking forward to welcoming you into Year 4 in September.

Transition PowerPoint

Please find below a PowerPoint about your new year group and class.

Class 11

Hi there, I am Miss Hughff, commonly known as Miss H.  This will be my fourth visit to Hartburn. My favourite siubjects are art, Maths, English, music, PE and history. (You might have noticed I didn’t put Geography in there). I love using a green screen to capture topic moments and having fun in between the hard work. I can’t wait to come back in September and work in Year 3/4. 

Class 12

Hello, my name is Miss Knox, I will be your year 4 teacher! I have a dog named Stella and my favourite animal is a highland cow. I love to read; my favourite books are Harry Potter and The Gruffalo. I can’t wait to share these stories with you. I am really looking forward to being your teacher and getting to know you. I hope you all have a brilliant summer and can’t wait to hear all about your wonderful stories from the holidays. See you soon!

Class 13

I’m Mrs Willox and I will moving up from Year 3 with you into Year 4. I will be teaching Class 13 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  I am looking forward to discovering our exciting new topics and have great learning adventures! I love reading stories and poems and I am looking forward to sharing them with you. In my spare time I like to bake cakes, go for walks with my family and play golf. Have a fantastic summer holiday and I will see you in September!

Hello! I am Mrs Magowan and  I am really looking forward to being part of the Year 5 and Year 6 team and spending a very exciting year with you all. My favourite subjects are maths and history but I also enjoy being creative in art and English. I love being outdoors and as you can see, I have a passion for books too. I can’t wait to share my favourite stories with you and also hear your recommendations. I am so excited for our year ahead; it will be filled with magic moments and we will make many special memories.

Teaching Assistant

Hello, as you all know my name is Mrs Thurlwell and I am looking forward to continue being your Teaching Assistant in going into Year 4 in September! I have 2 young children of my own, as well as my dog Frankie and my cat Jessie. I love arts and crafts, and spending time outdoors exploring and enjoying nature. 

I can’t wait to meet you all and am very excited for all the fun and adventures we are going to have next year!

Children’s Work

Y4 example
Letter 1
Year 4 example 1
Y4 example 10
Letter 2
Y4 example 3
Strip design
Y4 example 2
Y4 example 4
Y4 example 6
Y4 example 5
Y4 example 7
Y4 example 8
Y4 example 9
Y4 example
Letter 1
Year 4 example 1
Y4 example 10
Letter 2
Y4 example 3
Strip design
Y4 example 2
Y4 example 4
Y4 example 6
Y4 example 5
Y4 example 7
Y4 example 8
Y4 example 9
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