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At Hartburn Primary School children recognise that being physically active is integral to developing a healthy body and a healthy mind. We inspire, challenge, motivate and instil enthusiasm for physical activity that will last throughout their lives. Our curriculum is underpinned by the school games values of Teamwork, Honesty, Determination, Self-Belief, Passion, Respect and Leadership. Through high expectations of all children, these transferrable values are embedded by the time children leave our school ready for their next steps in life. In addition to these values, resilience is a key aspect of the curriculum that we focus upon through a Growth Mindset approach.

“If my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it.”

Muhammad Ali.

Developing leadership is a skill that we offer children throughout their time at Hartburn. In addition to sport leaders, children are given the opportunity to lead PE activities. In doing so, this enables children to understand what it is like to have responsibility; to show respect for rules; develop organisational and communication skills; and understand the value of teamwork.

An awareness of local and global responsibilities, which are rooted in the whole school curriculum, such as good health and well- being, gender equality and reduced inequalities are referred to within PE lessons to ensure children are aware of the significant impact they can have in shaping the future of the world. Local responsibility is evident through the sponsorship events which support local charities.

At Hartburn we promote competition and strive for our children to perform to the best of their ability. Children are given a number of opportunities to participate in a range of competitive sports. This is important in order for them to develop an understanding of what competition feels like; what it is like to be part of a team; develop a sense of pride in representing their school; and to be able to demonstrate good sportsmanship.

Subject Leaders

Mr Whitecross

KS1 lead/PE Lead

BA (Hons)


Mrs Hills

PE Lead

BA (Hons) with QTS

PE Days

These are the PE days for the school year 2023-2024

Reception – Wednesday
Class 4 – Tuesday and Thursday
Class 5 – Tuesday and Thursday
Class 6 – Thursday and Friday
Class 7 – Wednesday and Thursday
Class 8 – Wednesday and Thursday
Class 9 – Monday and Wednesday
Class 10 Monday and Wednesday
Class 11 – Tuesday and Friday
Class 12 – Tuesday and Thursday
Class 13 – Tuesday and Thursday
Class 14 – Monday and Wednesday
Class 15 – Monday and Wednesday
Class 16 – Tuesday and Friday
Class 17 – Thursday and Friday
Class 18 – Thursday and Friday

Whole School Curriculum Map
PE And Sport Premium Outturn and Impact Statement Review
Curriculum Map Whole School
Progression of Skills EYFS and KS1
Progression of Skills KS2
2 Year Hartburn Curriculum Year 1 and 2
2 Year Hartburn Curriculum Year 3 and 4
2 Year Hartburn Curriculum Year 5 and 6
End Points Cycle A
End Points Cycle B
Vocabulary Cycle A
Vocabulary Cycle B
PE Monitoring KS2 2022 Autumn Term - Pupil Voice
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