Our Hartburn Primary School uniform helps to build pride in our school, enhances the school’s reputation and makes our children stand out as smart, proud and confident members of our wider community. We have produced the following guidance to keep our uniform streamlined and simple for parents/carers.

Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled. School cannot be held responsible for missing items.

The DFE guidance does not require Governing Bodies to carry out documented market research. However, in accordance with the DFE guidance, cost considerations and value for money have been given the highest priority by the Governing Body in considering the school uniform. As part of this, the Governing Body have agreed the below suppliers.

Motif8 Embroidery & Print Ltd

17 Stephenson Street, Thornaby, TS17 6AL

Tel: 01642 601501

Web: https://www.motif8.co.uk/schools/primary-schools/hartburn-primary.html

Michael Seghal & Sons Ltd

Unit 17 Airport Industrial Estate, Kingston Park, Newcastle, NE3 2EF

Tel: 0191 230 2320

Web: https://www.michaelsehgal.co.uk/schools/hartburn-primary/

School ties can also be purchased from the school office for £4.00 per tie.

The Governing Body believe that the use of these suppliers will keep the cost price competitive and, most importantly, affordable for all families. With affordability in mind, the Governing Body have also kept the number of compulsory items of clothing to an absolute minimum. These are:

  • School Jumper or Cardigan with Embroidered logo
  • Tie (Full or elasticated)
  • PE Polo Shirt with Embroidered logo
  • Blazers and other logoed items are available but are not compulsory.

Parents/carers may then choose to purchase the remaining items from local supermarkets and other high street stores.

  • White Shirt
  • Black school type shoes
  • White/Grey Socks
  • Gingham Dress – Blue (Summer)
  • Grey shorts (Summer)
  • Grey trousers/Skirt
  • Black plain shoes or black plain trainers with fastenings. High heels are not permitted.

PE Kit

Children arrive in their PE kit on days when they are timetabled to have PE lessons; this reduces washing, the need for a PE kit bag and lost PE kit items. Without the need to change during the school day, this also increases time for physical activity. 

The introduction of the logoed PE top is in response to comments previously made by parents, grandparents and teachers regarding the “smartness” of our children when representing the school at previous sporting events/sports days.

Only the logoed polo shirt is compulsory. Shorts, tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirts/hoodies can be purchased from any other store but must be plain white or black. They must not have branded logos.

Please ensure your child wears their school jumper or cardigan over their PE kit on PE Days.

The school has also purchased ‘school hoodies’ and kits to be loaned and worn by children representing the school in external events.

EYFS Uniform

EYFS should wear a more relaxed version of the school uniform. The children in Nursery and Reception should wear a white polo shirt, grey elasticated school trousers/skirts with the school jumper/cardigan. Items with a Hartburn logo are optional. Ties in EYFS are also optional.

Financial Support

Any families needing financial support should always feel encouraged to approach school. Any requests will be dealt with sensitively and in the strictest of confidence.

In addition, The Friends of Hartburn Primary School (FOHPS) also provide ‘preloved’ items and run regular stalls to assist parents/carers to purchase uniform and event items such as Christmas jumpers and Halloween disco costumes. Parents/Carers can make contact with FOHPS via their social media accounts and their FOHPS Shop on their website:

FoHPS Shop | FOHPS (friendsofhartburn.co.uk)

Details of stalls are also shared via the weekly school newsletter ‘The Hartburn Herald’.

Uniform Policy 2023
Hartburn Information
Uniform Agreement
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