Y1 Visit to Saltburn

On Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st March, Year 1 and Year 2 children will be visiting Saltburn to celebrate all of the hard work they have put into our Coastline topic. This visit will provide an excellent opportunity for children to learn more about our local area, identify the physical and human features of the ...

Y2 Visit to Saltburn

On Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st March, Year 1 and Year 2 children will be visiting Saltburn to celebrate all of the hard work they have put into our Coastline topic. This visit will provide an excellent opportunity for children to learn more about our local area, identify the physical and human features of the ...

KS2 Author Visit – Amy Comerford – previous Hartburn pupil

We are delighted to welcome local author and illustrator Amy Comerford to Hartburn to work with our Key Stage Two children on Thursday 23rd March. We are especially thrilled as Amy is a previous pupil of the school. Amy’s wonderful children’s book is titled ‘Lu Lu and The Feather’. The book tackles the subject of ...

Hartburn Easter Egg Competition

This year we are inviting children to participate in the Hartburn Easter Egg Competition, if they wish. Please decorate a boiled egg at home and bring entries to school on Thursday 30th March, by 9am. We can’t wait to see them!    

FOHPS Early Years Spring Disco

The Friends of Hartburn will be holding the Early Years Spring Disco for children in Nursery and Reception on Thursday 20th April 4-5pm. There will be music, games and a tuck shop. We do ask parents to accompany their children to this disco. Tickets are available to purchase for £2 on www.friendsofhartburn.co.uk and further information can ...

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