KS2 Halloween Disco

The Halloween Disco will be held in school on Wednesday 19th October: KS2: 5:00pm-6:00pm

Odd Socks Day

Remember to dig out your odd socks this weekend and wear them to school on Monday (14th) to help us kick start 'Anti-Bullying' Week.

FOHPS Christmas Fayre & Grotto

Stalls, raffles, drinks, food and Christmas cheer!   Tickets available for the grotto at www.friendsofhartburn.co.uk

Phonics Workshop EYFS & KS1

We will be holding a Phonics Workshop on Tuesday 29th November 4:00pm - 5:00pm. This session will explain how we teach phonics at Hartburn Primary School and will also be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about phonics and how you can help at home.

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