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At Hartburn Primary School, we ensure all children develop an awareness of environmental topics in the classroom that will impact our world. We provide children with an opportunity to take leadership of environmental issues in our school. Additionally, we educate children on topical, global, environmental issues. This enables the children to have local and global responsibilities of environmental issues. Being an Eco Warrior develops a variety of skills:
leaderships, communication skills, speaking and listening, resilience and team work.

Our vision is to help make our school more sustainable and to bring about behaviour change in young people and
those connected to them so that good habits learned in schools are followed through into homes and communities. Each classroom displays an Eco Code created by the children themselves. Hartburn Eco Warriors are currently following a seven-step process which will help them to address a variety of environmental themes, ranging from litter and waste to healthy living and biodiversity.

Our Hartburn Eco Warriors are the driving force behind Eco-Schools – they form and lead an Eco-Committee to set high expectations for all other pupils. They have recently carried out an audit to assess the environmental performance of the school. As a team they have created an action plan that will be implemented across the whole school.

End Points Cycle A and B EYFS
End Points Cycle B
End Points Cycle A
Pupil Voice
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