
Ways that you can help your child progress and learn.

Children are learning all the time. The conversations and interactions that you have with your child will help them learn, grown and develop. At Hartburn we have high expectations of our children and encourage them to be resilient, inquisitive learners for life.

KS1 National Curriculum

In Key Stage 1 we work in line with the Statutory National Curriculum which is adapted and tailored to the needs of our children. Below is a link to the National Curriculum.



Every Monday, your child will receive a paper copy of their weekly spellings. Please could you support your child by practising these spellings for a spelling test for the following Friday. Please ensure that your child brings red spelling book in every week.


Children will receive maths homework via Seesaw or MyMaths. This could be in the form of an interactive game/quiz or an activity to complete online.


Year 1

We will aim to read with your child once a week. They will work on their word reading and comprehension skills, along with a range of other essential skills for reading. On this day, your child will take home 2 new reading books. These books should be read multiple times to build up fluency, accuracy and understanding. Our Jolly Phonics reading scheme is in place to help children become independent readers with confidence. They will also have an Oxford Reading Tree book, this is a book that they may need some help from an adult to read.

Year 2

Every week your child will read with an adult in school. They will work on their fluency of reading including their use of expression and intonation and will continue to develop their comprehension skills. As children progress with their phonics and fluency they will no longer bring a Jolly Phonics reading book home.


At Hartburn children are expected to use Hartburn Handwriting. Please enjoy reading some fantastic examples of the high quality of work that we expect at Hartburn.

Year 1 (Examples of Writing)

Year 2 (Examples of Writing)

Creative Homework

Children will receive creative homework linked to their ‘Knowledge Rich Project’ on a termly basis.

Useful links

Seesaw- https://web.seesaw.me/

Numberblocks- https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/shows/numberblocks

Hit the Button-

TT Rockstars- https://ttrockstars.com/

Phonics Play- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/

Oxford Owl- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/

Jolly Learning- https://www.jollylearning.co.uk/

Spelling Shed- https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb/

Numbots- https://numbots.com/ How to use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24sqgVgwBOg

Five Minute Mum- https://fiveminutemum.com/

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